now i'm sure by now that you have noticed davy's full luscious lips. i bet he was a great kisser..... according to 16 magazine
(i think) " davy's lips are full, rounded, and firm. this means that davy is a very loving person." (this is from
a horsoscope article of some kind)! they are beautiful. heres a list of adjectives to describe them: luscious, pouty (sometimes),
full, yummy, delectable, pleasant, appealing, tempting, captivating, and im sure theres many more but my best vocabulary escapes
me at times. best of all, they frame davy's radiant smile! while i'm going on about davy, i love his eyes too. nice and chocolatey
brown and very deep. here's a piccy. for a full body analysis go to
the Unofficial David Thomas Jones Website-O-Rama
