Welcome to Davy Jones Love! here we have a brief bio, info on davy's theatre history, a comparison with the one and only george
harrison, and some other things, but there will be more coming soon! the page is still under construction right now....
9-27-05~ yay! finally an update.. i recently went to a davy concert, so check out my new page with a review etc
6-18-05~ happ y birthday to paul mccartney! he is 63 today! i will be updating some time in the near future as soon as
i get some more ideas...
3-25-05~ i've added a bunch of pages these last few days. i also did small updates all around the site~ go check it out!
3-20-05~ happy birthday to ma copine jessie! i added a page today (davy jones love) and added a bunch to the davy/george
3-19-05~ i added a page, style icon. i'm trying tot hink of something else to do so hopefully in the next few days i'll
have more pages up. go visit my beatles site to (click the link over davy) see the awesome new pages i made this weekend!
3-12-05~ this isn't a real update just some thoughts. but if you have an idea of something you would like to see here
tell me in the guestbook! i got my first monkee record about a month ago and yesterday i got the birds, the bees, and the
monkees. it's really good, i think. davy has 3 compositions on it. also, monkees in paris is AWESOME!!! (thats an episode
of the show if you don't know). davy's outfits are so beautiful. he's just so..... irresistible.
3-6-05~ the site is now open! for those of you who follow davy, his episode of laugh-in will be on trio on march 22 (go
to http://www.triotv.com for times). exciting! sign my guestbook and visit my other site (if you havent already)